“Millionaires don’t use astrologers. Billionaires do.” – J. P. Morgan
Trade the stock market using astrology – Use astrology to help decide when to start a new business
Whenever making a financial investment decision, make the right decision at the right time!
In Memoriam – Kaye Shinker, author of The Textbook for Financial Astrology – March 18, 1940 – November 18, 2011. Though she is no longer with us, her spirit and her teaching continues on though her students, this web site, her books, and her tireless work for NCGR and in Financial Astrology
She is best known for her books, The Textbook for Financial Astrology.
If you would like to personally comment on Kaye’s life please post your thoughts and condolences on Facebook
Investors and Traders using astrology and planetary cycles analysis as a tool for timing trades, and for choosing stocks that outperform the market, take control of their financial futures.
The articles and information offered here at Astrological Investing will help you incorporate the aphorisms of financial and business astrology with fundamental and technical analysis.
For those just introduced to Financial Astrology, we have articles that explain the basics of business and financial astrology and how to incorporate these fundamentals into your investment decisions.
Fiscal Cents is a financial horoscope column written for your sun sign. The New Moon Newsletter predicts the astrological financial outlook for each month.
Using astrology, your stock club will be able to select stocks in sectors most likely to outperform the market. We’re dedicated to help you establish a winning investment strategy for yourself and your investment stock club!
Charts with IPO dates and Incorporation Dates on recommended stocks to buy or sell each month!
SUBSCRIBE FOR A THREE MONTH TRIAL ($55.00) or 1 yr subscription to Grace Morris’ Astro Economic Newsletter
Finding your way around the site: Astrological investing offers instruction for starting a stock investment club and has a monthly newsletter. Purchase Kaye Shinker’s Textbook for Financial Astrology. Read articles on wall street, investing, business and financial astrology, stock trading and using technical analysis in conjunction with astrology. You can enroll in online financial astrology classes and participate in occassional online chats. The entire site of listed pages at astrologicalinvesting.com include articles and information on the basics of financial astrology and investing in the stock market using astrology:
Members Page – Enter here to find out what is new at Astrologicalinvesting.com: latest astrology articles and news. Membership is FREE, and there is no requirement to join to enter the Members page.
Financial Astrology Articles – Astrology Articles: Business astrology, financial astrology, trading the market and stock market investing articles.
AstroInvesting Blog – A new addition to the site, pages located at astrologicalinvestingMarley blogging on current astrological events, financial astrology, and posting excerpts from articles found here on the financial astrology articles pages. Also, posted are monthly calendars of planetary aspects for the NYSE, FTSE, and the ASX time zones.
Investment Clubs – How to start an investment club.
Technical Commentary at Astrological Investing – The World at Large and Other Commentary – The Market Outlook including Technical analysis as well a geopolitics, planetary price harmonics and astrology. Articles by Randall Ashbourne.
Astrological Investing’s shopping site is where to purchase The Textbook For Financial Astrology, by Kaye Shinker, NCGR IV astrologer. purchase Michael Munkasey’s Company Database, Galactic Trader Financial Astrology Software, Grace Morris’ Astro Economics Newsletter, and many other items.
The New Moon Newsletter -Investment Clubs – Business Astrology – Stock Market Trading and Investing – World Market Outlook and Financial Astrology Articles
Astrologers Kaye Shinker and Marlene Pfeifle approached trading and investing in the stock market from different points of view. Now that Kaye has passed from us, Marley is continuing this web site in it’s transition state. Look forward to NEW and exciting items at Astrological Investing!
There is no investment strategy that does not contain risk!
Using FINANCIAL ASTROLOGY will not guarantee the possibility of gains or no losses in the stock market. However, combined with fundamental and technical analyses, using astrology to trade the market, or buy investments can be a powerful tool to help you reduce risk.
Astrological Investing’s web site does NOT promise that you cannot lose money trading the market or investing in the stock market when using financial or business astrology, planetary cycles, or for that matter, any type of strategy or analysis.
Understanding the principles of astrological investing (or astro-investing) and the principals of using astrology to trade the market will not guarantee immunity to mistakes. You can not use the information on this web site to guarantee profit-making in the stock market. Using the information provided on this web site will help you become a more knowledgeable investor, but does not guarantee you will not be able to make mistakes concerning the nature, potential, value, or suitability of any specific investment or type of investment.
None of the information contained regarding business astrology, financial astrology or planetary cycles therein constitutes a personal recommendation by either Kaye Shinker, Marlene Pfeifle, any guest astrologer, or from Astrological Investing.com in general. Astrological Investing’s web site contains the astrologer’s own opinions based upon their knowledge, research, and personal experiences.
There is no intention in the comments on this web site by either Kaye Shinker or Marlene Pfeifle to give personalized financial advice regarding the suitability of any personal or specific investment.